Double your company in 12 months

Monday, May 5, 2008 | | |

Double your company in 12 months, with two issues
Two issues most important to pay attention to marketing

Everyone wants to see growth in sales and net income. It is important for small businesses and home business owners to set revenue targets and watch the sales results, but too much importance to these figures may prevent you from achieving your goals.

Using your turnover figure to focus your marketing efforts is like driving while looking in the mirror all the time. This number tells you where you were. He did not say how to get to where you want to go.

There are a couple of key numbers and ratios to remain in front of you to help you get your "destination" ..

As a farmer increasingly Iowa soybeans, must be carefully seeds and grow plants to maturity to ensure a good harvest and a good profit. The quantity of seed plants you and the percentage that seed and grows well your firm determines profitability. The same is true in marketing and sales, the number of tracks that you generate and the number you convert the sale determine your income.

These are the two most important issues to pay attention to marketing. Use them to evaluate your marketing and determine how many sales you generate:

1. The number of qualified prospects in your database.
These are people who have said they have a concern or problem that you can help and want to hear from you.
2. Your perspective of the customer conversion rate.
The percentage of prospects to convert to paying customers.

The calculation is simple: the more prospects you and your conversion rate, the more revenue you generate.

Your journey will be frozen at current levels if you focus on the amount of income you are and to ignore the importance of creating your list of prospects. You can double your business in the coming months by building your database of qualified prospects and improve your conversion rate.

Marketing Numbers
You do not need to be a math wiz to become an expert in mathematics marketing. Pay attention to these figures on a weekly basis;

* The number of people who have seen your ads, read your articles or received messages from mailing.
* The percentage of those people who responded to your ad or article. "This is not the number of ads you run, but how many people listen to your ads that account."
* The percentage of respondents who actually gave you their contact information and added to your database. These are people who have themselves identified as prospects who are interested in learning more.

If you are marketing through your website, it is incredibly simple to identify these figures daily and weekly to monitor the success of your marketing efforts. Here's how:

1. Look at the number of unique visitors to your website per day or per week.
2. Divide this figure by the number of people who contacted you. This is your conversion rate of visitors to prospects. If your site is configured properly, at least one in ten people are expected to be with you and adding to your list of prospects. If you use Google Ads driving visitors to your site, you can send visitors to pages of destination and increase your conversion rate to 20 or even 25%.

What should you expect from your website? For every hundred unique visitors to your site per week from 10 to 25 should send an e-mail asking you more information about your products and services. Each month, your list of prospects and sales should grow.

Before concluding this article, make a commitment to the implementation of this simple mathematical marketing to grow your business. Setting a goal for your company. Look at the number of prospects is currently marketing generation.

Write to this issue, then put a line diagonally across it and beside him write the number of opportunities that you want to add to your database each week.

I did this little exercise for two years with my website. My goals for the acquisition of greater prospects each month in my business grows. My final goal is 500 new opportunities per week. This translates into 6 to 7 percent more business each month. With a little planning, you can see your business grows so quickly.