The rules for earning a marketing and sales

Monday, May 5, 2008 | | |

Some of the most basic rules to follow to successfully marketing your business.

1. Written goals are motivating and can help you succeed. Set your goals for revenue generation and conversion rates for the year and then break for each quarter. The commit to writing. Then, the list weekly and daily tasks you and / or your employees need to accomplish in order to achieve your goals.
2. The more prospects you attract, the more customers you have. A clearly defined strategy generation will bring new perspectives you need to be profitable.
3. It is easier to convert prospects to customers when they try to solve a problem. It is much harder to convert people who do not have a current need or concern, even if members of your target market. Instead of seeking prospects, prospects invited to look for you.
4. You'll have a better response marketing messages that emphasize customer issues and concerns, not on your titles or descriptions of products and processes. If you do not get the answer you want your mailings, advertisements or Web site, take a second look at your marketing message. A few changes in your marketing can increase response by a factor of ten or more.
5. Integrate your tactics and the message through your marketing materials, advertisements and Web site to encourage people to look at you and with you. Trying to generate leads without an integrated strategy is like playing football without a set of games for the quarter for use with the team. He eventually throw the ball only to find the receiver was the other way or go for a field goal on first.
6. The purpose of having a website is to generate prospects. Once you have a lead you can use it to generate sales. Once you have prospects to your website or reading your marketing materials, make sure you encourage them to contact you.
7. Most sales are the result of a relationship based on your credibility and value of your products or services. The development of these relations may take weeks or months to build. Your marketing strategy should facilitate this process of building relationships over time, with multiple opportunities for contact with prospects.
8. The easiest to sell to customers rose. Prompt first time customers to buy from you again and again.